Lake Delton Ice is located in the Village of Lake Delton only blocks away from Major Resort Waterparks, Hotels, and Restaurants. We are committed to offering a fun and safe environment for your entire family.
Located at 112 Miller Drive - One block away from the Wilderness Resort and Bobber's Island Grill.
Currently our Hockey season runs from Early September to Mid April.
Lake Delton Ice hosts a wide variety of hockey.
Tournaments - Dells Cup - Ice Wars - Ultimate Tournaments.
Junior Hockey - Dells Ducks Tier III ( USPHL)
High School - RWD Co-Op between Wisconsin Dells, Reedsburg, and Mauston School Districts.
Youth - RWD and other organizations travel to use our ice.

Offered when ice permits. We will host Family friendly events. Skate rental and skate aids are available for a fee and on a first come first serve basis.